Who we work with

We work with personal, business and executive clients.  The needs of the client determine the coaching program that we would recommend. Personal clients are likely to be professionally employed or self-employed. Small business clients could be micro business owners, sole traders, entrepreneurs, franchisers/franchisees. We have also achieved outstanding results with the performing arts and creatives.

We work with a wide variety of people and problems. The common theme is that you have experienced success in your life, whether it be career, business, relationships, money, health, fitness, creativity, sport, education or family. Success is a habit and is akin to riding a bike. Once you learn it, it comes back pretty easily if you have the right mindset.

Here is a profile of some of our client types, see if you can identify yourself with one or more?

I am an actor. I work part-time between gigs and balance my busy schedule between attending auditions, learning lines, doing part-time jobs and networking. One of my biggest challenges is coping with the constant rejections from auditions. It can be hard to keep yourself upbeat and motivated to pursue them day-in-day-out.

I work in telecommunications as a Project Manager. My challenges are in having real communications with my colleagues, negotiating outcomes and effectively managing work teams, particularly where I don’t have line control. I don’t enjoy confronting poor performers or dealing with emotional types. I want to advance my career and I know there are areas I need to improve.

I own a small business. We have grown rapidly and are now the point where I need to delegate and build systems to sustain the growth. I have been the main man up until now but I need to spread the load so I can take a holiday with my young family. I am also expanding interstate and that will require better internal controls and networking of offices.

I work for myself. I have a home-based business. It is so tempting to hit the snooze button in the morning and be lazy. I don’t enjoy cold calling prospects but I know I’ve got to do it. My marketing effort is sporadic and I find networking a challenge. Some days when I do get going I find myself working around the clock. So, then I have the opposite problem of not switching off. Working from home is a trap because I lack the routine and discipline. In a corporate job you have office hours, staff to interact with, team goals to motivate you and a social life.

My weight has gotten away from me. When I was younger my metabolism allowed me to eat anything without gaining weight. Now, I just look at chocolate cake and I gain kilos. I’ve tried every diet there is and it works for about four weeks and then I’m back where I started if not worse.

I always wanted to write a book. Some days I feel fantastic and the ideas flow. Other days I am brain dead and just can’t get into it. I don’t know whether it is motivation or poor structure. The phone always rings and there are so many distractions, what with the kids running around the house and the demands of my husband and family. I find it hard to put aside time for me.

I’m over guys. They’re all the same. You can’t live with them and you can’t live without them. Then again there’s this gorgeous hunk of a guy at work but he’s so shy. I wish he would ask me out. If he did I think I feint.

I’m a real estate agent. The market has slowed and it is really tough to find listings. My vendors have unrealistic expectations and there is not enough stock to support the number of agents in my area. People don’t seem to want to sell at the moment. I’m paid largely on commission so I need to make sales to earn a living.

My partner and I have just started a graphic design business. How do we get our first clients? We have been able in getting our previous employer as clients, but we need more to sustain our business and grow.

I always wanted to run my own coaching business. The training was great for personal development but getting clients isn’t easy. There are so many coaches out there. I love what I do – I’m just not comfortable selling myself.

I run my own franchise. I meet with the franchisees and I try to explain how important it is to prepare a business plan but they just don’t seem interested. I’d love to have a planning system that they comply with – it would help them and me.

Clients are likely to be successful with us if …

You dare to dream. You are prepared to back your own judgement and take a risk to get what you want in life. You make mistakes, don’t we all, and you learn from them.

You are open to exploring new and innovative methods.

You make conscious decisions and own the consequences of your actions – for better or worse. You’re not into laying blame.

You are well grounded. You retain a sense of humility when you achieve outstanding results. Your motives are pure and you treat your fellow man with respect.

You remain eternally optimistic.

You have a healthy self-belief in your own abilities. You realise that you possess untapped potential. You have a burning desire to unleash that potential.

You are generous with your time, money and resources to those less fortunate than yourself. You actively support charitable causes. You believe in karma.

You possess an insatiable curiosity for learning and personal growth.

You are prepared to listen.

You maintain high standards of honesty and integrity.

You are ambitious and passionate about what you do.

You love life and find the simplest things amusing. You possess a sense of humour.