Explore Our Services

Our services

Personal Coaching
Business Coaching
Seminars/ Workshops

Personal Coaching

We provide one-one-one/team coaching. It typically runs for twelve sessions weeks and may be delivered weekly or fortnightly. Sessions can be delivered face-to-face, in-house or remotely via teleconference. Remote delivery is ideal for clients who are in provincial, regional or remote areas or interstate or overseas.

Session 1 – Introduction. The TCP Program. Goal setting. Wheel of Life. Self-assessment.
Session 2 – Review goals. Context. Review actions. Insights/Actions. Strategies for success.
Session 3-11 – Review goals. Context. Review actions. Insights/Actions.
Session 12 – Wrap up. Review, Feedback. Acknowledgements. The way forward.

Business Coaching

We offer three modules – stand alone or bundled.

Module 1 – The Planning Process
(1/2 day workshop)

We cover the essential planning elements of Business Planning. Delivered in small groups this module is offered as a public program, in-house or on request. Also available to independent business owners. Participants choose from three options on completion:
(i) Do-it-yourself Business Plan,
(iii) Enrol in Module 2, or
(iii) Do nothing.

Module 2 – Planning for Success
(8 week x Team coaching)

We guide you through the preparation of your own Business Plan. Delivered in small groups (via teleclass) this module is offered as a public program, in-house or on request. Also available to independent business owners. Participants choose from three options on completion:
(i) Do-it-yourself implementation Business Plan,
(iii) Enrol in Module 3, or
(iii) Do nothing.

Module 3 – Planning for Success
(6 mths / 12 mths coaching program)

We guide you the critical phases of implementation and review. This program includes 6 mths or 12 mths coaching AND Quarterly Business Reviews. Receive invitations to business networking events. Meet with your peers to discuss mutual business/ personal issues. Delivered in small groups (via teleclass) this module is offered as a public program, in-house or on request. Also available to independent business owners.

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Seminars/ Workshops

Planning For Success

Learn the 3 critical steps in the planning process. Where do plans fail? Learn how to convert competitors to collaborators. Balanced scorecard for small business. Mission. Vision. Values. Critical Analysis – Market. Customer. Competitor. Using scorecards. Performance v Results. Lead & Lag indicators. Measure what matters. Sales funnel. Setting goals that work. Segmentation. Targeting. Positioning. Financial budgeting. Sales forecasts. Variance reporting. And more.

Building Your Practice / Marketing Your Services

Do you struggle with getting clients? You’re good at what you do it’s just that you have to devote time and energy at marketing to prospective clients. And when you do, you may not attract the kind of fee you’d like. Marketing is a skill, and an art. Most partners have never been formally trained in marketing. Building Your Practice shows you how to get ahead of the pack, win clients, deliver premium service and demand high fees.

We offer customised training/ development solutions. Please call us to discuss your needs.

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Web Design

We are a licensed reseller of state-of-the art web services. We incorporate our strategic planning, performance coaching and marketing consulting to design web sites for small business that get results.

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We are widely regarded for our expansive network of personal and business contacts throughout Australia and overseas. A well-developed network isn’t of much value if you don’t use it – so we do! We proactively encourage our clients, associates and joint venture partners to trade with each other. We happily broker introductions to like-minded people.

The best networkers are generous people and live buy the credo “Give before you get.”  Have you given lately?

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How we work

Expected Results

When you work with us you can expect to achieve your Personal Best. We will ask you to define ‘success’. You have already tasted success, so you know it’s possible. We will help you get clear on your goals and objectives, foster your self belief that you can achieve anything you set your sights on and then hold you accountable to your goals.

We do this by focussing on your Performance. It is your Performance that delivers Results. By focussing on the right area (Performance) we ensure that you remain empowered. It is the quality of the choices you make that will determine the level of your success.

There are two Performance Drivers:
– Skills (“Do you know what, where, how or when to do it?”), and
– Behaviours (“Did you do it?”).

Do enough of the right things consistently and you WILL get the Results!

It is a simple fact of life that you will make mistakes. That’s OK. We will work with you on implementing a Performance Measurement System (PMS) that catches these mistakes and allows you to alter course with an appropriate response. We will also challenge you if you aren’t living up to your part of the deal.

“We hold you accountable to your dream!”

These mistakes can be Performance Issues (eg Skill/ Behaviour) or Business Issues (eg Strategy/ Implementation/ External factors).

We apply the Test and Measure principle. Set the goal. Formulate the strategy. Try it. If it works do it again, if it doesn’t review your strategy and/or implementation.

We have helped clients achieve outstanding results using these methods.

Our Approach

We use a four-step process.

Phase 1 – Discovery

First, we discover how you are currently performing. We determine your performance benchmark. Identify what is working/ not working? Determine how you measure success? We ask you to rate your own Performance using Performance Scorecards. This may include a self-assessment of your marketing, finance, operations and people. We will ask lots of questions. We’ll ask you to reflect on what you discovered and then share our insights.

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Phase 2 – Plan

Next, we move to Planning for Success (P4S). We help you prepare your Small Business Plan. The planning phase has five key steps:
1. Where are we now?
2. Where do you want to be?
3. Formulate strategies.
4. Prepare an Implementation Plan.
5. Establish Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s).

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Phase 3 – Act

Next, we coach you through the implementation. Our Coaching for Performance (C4P) implementation package to ensure you “Plan your work and work your plan.”

There’s not much point in having a plan if you don’t use it. So, we work with you for six months or more to ensure it’s implemented and working. You can expect to start reaping the rewards within the first month. We will Performance Coach you 1-on-1 every fortnight for six months to ensure your business is flying.

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Phase 4 – Measure

Next, we implement our Performance Measurement System (PMS). We will help you conduct monthly Performance Reviews of your progress towards your goals. You will know exactly how you’re travelling and have management information to allow you to make informed decisions in running what is a profitable and thriving business. We want to share your success.

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The methods we use combine the ‘soft’ skills of personal coaching with proven commercial practices. These commercial practices were once the domain of the large consulting groups and are now available to you as a small business owner. We combine commercial acumen with new age methods to bring sustainable change and profitable growth.

Our emphasis is on delivering practical solutions to small-medium business.