There’s a distinction between faith and belief.

Alan Watts often explored the distinction between belief and faith in his philosophical discussions, emphasizing that they are fundamentally different in nature.

Here are some key points he made on the subject:

Belief vs. Faith:
Watts argued that belief involves holding onto specific ideas or propositions as truth, often without direct experience or certainty. It’s about clinging to concepts or doctrines, seeking security and certainty. In contrast, faith, according to Watts, is a deeper form of trust—an openness to uncertainty, mystery, and the unknown.

Faith doesn’t require concrete beliefs or fixed ideas; it involves a willingness to let go and flow with life.

Faith as Openness:
For Watts, true faith is a kind of surrender to the present moment and to the flow of life. It’s not about asserting control or demanding guarantees but rather about embracing life’s unpredictability without fear. He described it as trusting in the process of life without needing to define or explain it.

Belief as Limiting:
Watts often criticized belief systems for being rigid and limiting. He suggested that beliefs can create a false sense of security, which prevents people from experiencing life directly. Belief, for him, was something that closed people off from the richness of existence because it was always an attempt to explain or rationalize the unknown.

Faith and Doubt:
He also connected faith to the ability to embrace doubt. Whereas belief seeks certainty, faith involves being comfortable with doubt and ambiguity. It’s about not needing to know everything but still being at peace with the unfolding of life.

In summary, Alan Watts viewed belief as something static and rigid, based on mental constructs, while faith was dynamic, involving trust in life’s inherent uncertainty and a readiness to experience reality without the need for concrete explanations or certainty.

About the author

Dennis Roberts is a personal coach, small business mentor and founder of CoachPRO – The Coaching Professionals. His work has won critical acclaim in both the academic and business communities.


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