Books I read: “”Uniting Sex, Self and Spirit …”

“Uniting Sex, Self and Spirit : Let the Body by Your Guide to New Consciousness and Deeper Spirituality in a Changing Age” by Genia Pauli Hadden

Uniting Sex, Self and Spirit: Let the Body Be Your Guide to New Consciousness and Deeper Spirituality in a Changing Age by Genia Pauli Hadden explores the integration of physical, emotional, and spiritual dimensions of being, emphasizing how the body serves as a guide to personal growth and deeper spirituality. Here are the key themes of the book:

1. Body as a Spiritual Gateway:

  • Hadden emphasizes that the body is not just a vessel but a sacred tool for spiritual awakening. She argues that we can achieve a greater consciousness by paying attention to the sensations, energy, and wisdom our bodies offer.
  • The body’s natural rhythms, feelings, and sexuality are presented as pathways to connect with higher consciousness and the divine.

2. Integration of Sex, Self, and Spirit:

  • The book promotes the integration of sexuality with spirituality, asserting that sexuality is a powerful energy that, when understood and respected, can lead to deeper self-awareness and spiritual enlightenment.
  • Hadden advocates for a holistic approach where sexual energy is not suppressed but embraced as part of one’s spiritual and personal evolution.

3. Healing and Wholeness:

  • Central to Hadden’s teachings is the idea that modern society often fragments the self, leading to disconnection between the mind, body, and spirit. She offers practices to reunite these aspects to achieve wholeness and balance.
  • This process of integration allows individuals to heal emotional and spiritual wounds by listening to the body’s messages and honoring its needs.

4. Challenging Traditional Paradigms:

  • Hadden challenges conventional religious and cultural views that separate sexuality and spirituality or view the body as sinful or inferior to the mind or spirit. She offers a redefinition of spirituality that honors the sacredness of the physical experience.
  • The book advocates for a shift away from dualistic thinking, where body and spirit are seen as separate, toward a unified vision of existence.

5. Consciousness and Energy Flow:

  • Hadden discusses the flow of energy within the body, including sexual energy, as a key to accessing higher states of consciousness. Practices that enhance energy awareness—such as breathing techniques, movement, and meditation—are suggested to help individuals tap into this flow.
  • The concept of kundalini energy is often implied, where awakening this energy leads to spiritual enlightenment and the full integration of body and spirit.

6. Sacred Sexuality and Tantric Elements:

  • The book draws upon elements of sacred sexuality and Tantra, where sexuality is seen as a spiritual practice. By engaging in mindful, loving sexual relationships, individuals can experience deeper connections with themselves and others, transcending purely physical pleasure to reach spiritual bliss.
  • Sacred sexuality is presented as a means to awaken divine energy within the body.

7. Transformation in a Changing Age:

  • Hadden writes about the spiritual shifts in contemporary society, where there is a growing openness to integrating body and spirit. She argues that as society evolves, people are increasingly looking for ways to unify their personal, sexual, and spiritual identities.
  • The book offers tools to navigate these changes, encouraging individuals to trust their bodies as they move through spiritual transformation.

8. Empowerment and Authenticity:

  • By aligning with the body’s natural wisdom, Hadden asserts that individuals can experience greater empowerment and authenticity. She encourages readers to embrace their bodies, their sexual desires, and their spiritual longings without shame or fear.
  • Authenticity is a key to living a spiritually fulfilling life, where one’s true self is expressed fully, both in physical and spiritual terms.

9. Mindfulness and Embodiment:

  • The book stresses the importance of mindfulness and being fully present in the body. Practices such as mindful movement, meditation, and conscious touch are recommended to help people reconnect with their bodies and experience life more deeply.
  • Hadden encourages a shift from intellectual or abstract spiritual practices to those that involve being fully embodied, experiencing the world through the senses.

10. Personal Journey and Inner Wisdom:

  • The path to uniting sex, self, and spirit is portrayed as a deeply personal journey. Hadden provides guidance but emphasizes that each person’s experience of spirituality through the body will be unique.
  • She urges readers to trust their own inner wisdom and the messages their bodies send, suggesting that the body holds the key to personal transformation and spiritual awakening.

In summary, Uniting Sex, Self and Spirit seeks to bridge the often-separated realms of sexuality and spirituality, encouraging readers to view the body as a sacred, powerful tool for spiritual growth. Hadden promotes a holistic and integrated approach to living, where embracing physical experiences, particularly those involving sexuality, leads to a fuller and more profound connection with the self and the divine.

About the author

Dennis Roberts is a personal coach, small business mentor and founder of CoachPRO – The Coaching Professionals. His work has won critical acclaim in both the academic and business communities. Visit

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